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{{sl.amount}} x {{}} | {{sl.oTotal | vcurrency}} {{ | vcurrency}} |
inklusive {{}} | |
{{sl.oPrice | vcurrency}} {{sl.price | vcurrency}} {{sl.discountName}} x {{sl.timespan}} {{sl.timeLabel}} {{sl.season || sl.annotation}} pro Person pro Erwachsener pro Kind pro Baby | |
Gesamtbetrag | {{QuoteTools.getOriginalTotal(quote,'all') | vcurrency}} |
{{QuoteTools.getDiscountName(quote)}} | {{QuoteTools.getTotal(quote,'all') | vcurrency}} |
{{sl.amount}} x {{}} | {{sl.oTotal | vcurrency}} {{ | vcurrency}} |
inklusive {{}} | |
{{sl.oPrice | vcurrency}} {{sl.price | vcurrency}} {{sl.discountName}} x {{sl.timespan}} {{sl.timeLabel}} {{sl.season || sl.annotation}} pro Person pro Erwachsener pro Kind pro Baby | |
Gesamtbetrag | {{QuoteTools.getOriginalTotal(previewQuote,'all') | vcurrency}} |
{{QuoteTools.getDiscountName(previewQuote)}} | {{QuoteTools.getTotal(previewQuote,'all') | vcurrency}} |
Inklusivpreis | {{(summary.oTotal || | vcurrency}} |
{{QuoteTools.getDiscountName(quote)}} | {{ | vcurrency}} |
Inklusive {{}} |
{{sl.amount}} x {{}} | {{sl.oTotal | vcurrency}} {{ | vcurrency}} |
inklusive {{}} | |
{{sl.oPrice | vcurrency}} {{sl.price | vcurrency}} {{sl.discountName}} x {{sl.timespan}} {{sl.timeLabel}} {{sl.season || sl.annotation}} pro Person pro Erwachsener pro Kind pro Baby |
{{sl.amount}} x {{}} | {{sl.oTotal | vcurrency}} {{ | vcurrency}} |
inklusive {{}} | |
{{sl.oPrice | vcurrency}} {{sl.price | vcurrency}} {{sl.discountName}} x {{sl.timespan}} {{sl.timeLabel}} {{sl.season || sl.annotation}} pro Person pro Erwachsener pro Kind pro Baby |
Kein Versicherungsschutz
Liebe Frau Kraft,
vielen Dank für Ihre Rückmeldung.
Wir schauen uns die angesprochenen Punkte an.
Unsere neue Buchungsstrecke biete die Möglichkeit, sich alle Häuser vorher anzuschauen!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen Ihr All Season Parks - Team Ferienpark Mirow GmbH
Walter-Gotsmann-Straße 2 17252 Mirow / OT Granzow
Tel: 039833 600 Fax: 039833 60-110 eMail: <>
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